Watchman Willie Martin Archive

Wars of the United States

Where ever you see the Y it means that the Jews through subterfuge, treason, betrayal, deceptions and treachery cause these wars because there was a threat to them which would have reduced their control over money, liquor, munitions, land, countries, and to protect that little bastard state in the Middle East misnamed Israel. For the Jews there are neither Israelites nor belong there in the first place.

Pequot War 1637/1638

The first of the many wars between whites and Indians was fought in 1637 between the Pequots and New England settlers. The Pequots were a warlike tribe centered along the Thames River in southeastern Connecticut. By 1630, under their chief, Sassacus, they had pushed west to the Connecticut R. There they had numerous quarrels with colonists, culminating in the murder by the Pequots of a trader, John Oldham, on July 20, 1636. On Aug. 24 Gov. John Endicott of Massachusetts Bay Colony organized a military force to punish the Indians, and on May 26, 1637, the first battle of the Pequot War took place when the New Englanders, under John Mason and John Underhill, attacked the Pequot stronghold near present‑day New Haven, Conn.

The Indian forts were burned and about 500 men, women, and children were killed. The survivors fled in small groups. One group, led by Sassacus, was caught near present day Fairfield, Conn., on July 28, and nearly all were killed or captured. The captives were made slaves by the colonists or were sold in the West Indies. Sassacus and the few who escaped with him were put to death by Mohawk Indians. The few remaining Pequots were scattered among other southern New England tribes.

Y Colonial Wars ‑A series of wars involving the colonizing European powers of England, France, Spain, the Netherlands and Sweden in North America and the Caribbean.

Y 1689/1698: King William's War, Known in Europe as the War of the League of Augsburg AND as the War of the Grand Alliance and in North America as King William's War.

King James II of England, unlike his profligate brother, Charles II, was extremely religious, and his religion was that of Rome. The large majority of the people of England were Protestants; but they would have submitted to a Catholic king had he not used his official power to convert the nation to Catholicism.

From the time of James's accession, in 1685, the unrest increased, until, three years later, the opposition was so formidable that the monarch fled from his kingdom and took refuge in France. The daughter of James and her husband, the Prince of Orange, became the joint sovereigns of England as William and Mary. This movement is known in history as the English Revolution.

Louis XIV, the king of France, was a Catholic and in full sympathy with James. Moreover, he denied the right of a people to change sovereigns, and espoused the cause of James; and war between the two nations followed. This war was reflected in America, as King William rejected an offer of colonial neutrality, and it is known as "King William's War." The English colonies had long watched the French encroachments on the north; the French determined to hold the St. Lawrence country, and to extend their power over the vast basin of the Mississippi; and each was jealous of the other concerning the fisheries and the fur trade.

To these differences must be added an intense religious feeling. The English colonies were almost wholly Protestant except Maryland, and even in Maryland the Protestants were in a large majority. New France was purely Catholic, and the two forms of Christianity had not yet learned to dwell together, or near together, in harmony. King James had not confined his designs to the home country; he had not only revoked some of the colonial charters and sent the tyrant Andros to domineer New England, but he had instructed his Catholic governor of New York, Dongan, to influence the Iroquois to admit Jesuit teachers among them, and to introduce the Catholic religion into the colony.

It was at this time that Leisler seized the government of New York, and called the first colonial congress. Exasperated by these things, the English colonists were eager for the conflict, while the French Canadians were equally ready to grapple with them. King William's War was very different in aim and meaning in the colonies from what it was beyond the Atlantic. In America it was the first of several fierce contests, covering seventy years; or, it may be said, it was the beginning of a seventy years' war with intervals of peace, for the supremacy in North America.

The war began by a series of Indian massacres instigated by Frontenac, the governor of Canada. The first of these was the destruction of Dover, New Hampshire, a town of fifty inhabitants. One night in July, 1689, two squaws came to the home of the aged Major Waldron and begged a night's lodging. Being admitted, they rose in the night and let in a large number of Indians who lay in ambush. Waldron was put to death with frightful tortures, the town was burned to the ground, about half the people were massacred, and the remainder were carried away and sold into slavery. In the following month Pemaquid, Maine, met a similar fate.

In February, 1690, a body of French and Indians, sent by Frontenac, came to the town of Schenectady on the Mohawk. For nearly a month they had faced the wintry blasts, plowing their way through the deep snow on their mission of destruction. At midnight they fell with dreadful yells upon the sleeping village. In a few hours all was over; the town was laid in ashes. More than sixty were massacred, many were taken captive, a few escaped into the night and reached Albany. The towns of Casco and Salmon Falls soon after met a similar fate.

The war spirit was now aroused throughout the colonies. It was determined, through Leisler's congress,1 to send a land force against Montreal by way of Lake Champlain, and a naval expedition against Quebec. The expenses of the former were borne by Connecticut and New York, and of the latter by Massachusetts.

Sir William Phipps of Maine, who had this same year, 1690, captured Port Royal in Nova Scotia, commanded the naval force. He had thirty or more vessels and two thousand men. But the vigilant Frontenac, in spite of his fourscore years, was on the alert. He successfully repelled the land force, which turned back disheartened, and then hastened to the defense of Quebec. But here he had little to do. Phipps was a weak commander, and the fleet, after reaching Quebec and finding it well fortified, returned to Boston without striking an effective blow. The people of Massachusetts were greatly disappointed at the failure of the expedition.

The debt of the colony had reached an enormous figure, and to meet it bills of credit, or paper money, were issued to the amount of �40,000. Phipps was soon afterward sent to England to seek aid of the king and a renewal of the old charter that Andros had destroyed. King William was hard pressed at home, and he left the colonies to fight their own battles; he also refused to restore the old charter, but he granted a new one, as we have noticed, and made Phipps the first royal governor of Massachusetts.

The war dragged on for several years longer, but it consisted only in desultory sallies and frontier massacres. The towns of York, Maine, Durham, New Hampshire, and Groton, Massachusetts, were the scenes of bloody massacres, and hundreds of people were slain.

In 1697 a treaty of peace was signed at Ryswick, a village near The Hague, and the cruel war was temporarily over. Acadia, which had been prematurely incorporated with Massachusetts, was restored to France. But this treaty was only a truce. The English and French nations had not learned to love each other, and the questions in dispute had made no progress toward settlement.

After the death of William and Mary the crown of England was settled (1702) on Anne, the sister of Mary. James, the exiled king, died in 1701, and his son, known as James the Pretender, was proclaimed king of England by the French sovereign. This act alone would have brought another war, but there was another provocation.

King Louis of France placed his grandson, Philip of Anjon, on the throne of Spain, and thus greatly increased his power among the dynasties of Europe. This was very distasteful to the English, and the war that followed was known as the War of the Spanish Succession. In America, however, it was styled Queen Anne's War (1702).

Y 1702/1712: Queen Anne's War, Known in Europe as the War of the Spanish Succession, in North America as Queen Anne's War and in India as the First Carnatic War. This conflict also included the Second Abnaki War. The Abnaki Indian tribe allied itself with the French against the English colonists in North America.

Dummer�s War 1723/1726

King George�s War 1744/1745

Y 1754/1763: French and Indian War, (1755‑1763)‑Known in Europe as the Seven Years' War and in North America as the French and Indian War. France forever lost possession of Quebec/Canada. In many ways, England's victory set the stage for the American Revolution.

Y 1609/1775: Colonial Indian Wars A series of wars involving the colonizing European powers of England, France, Spain, the Netherlands and Sweden and their colonists against the native tribes of North America.

1775/1783: American Revolution Also involved France, Spain and the Netherlands against Britain. The first Anglo‑American War.

Y Indian Wars (1775‑1890)‑A series of wars involving the United States government and her migrating settlers with the native tribes of what became the continental United States. These wars were the result of the Jewish bootleggers selling liquor to the Indians, and then lying to them about the evil White Man as they have always done to people who didn�t know any better.

Shay's Rebellion (1786‑1787)

Y The Whiskey Rebellion (1794) This was brought about because the Jews did not want the competition.

Quasi‑War with France (1798‑1800)

Fries's Rebellion "The Hot Water War" (1799)

U.S. Slave Rebellions (1800‑1865)

Y Barbary Wars

Y Tripolitanian War 1800‑1805

Y Algerine War (1815)

Y War of 1812 (1812‑1814)‑The second Anglo‑American War.

Creek Indian War 1813‑1814

Invasion of Spanish Florida (1819)‑Andrew Jackson seized Florida from Spain.

The First Seminole War 1818‑1819

Texas Revolutionary War 1835‑1836

In 1835 Mexico decrees an end to the immigration of Anglos into its Texas Province, refusing the settlers demands for autonomy. The "Texian" settlers capture San Antonio and declare independence but are defeated by the Mexican Army under Santa Anna at the Alamo.

A Texian force under Sam Houston then attacks Santa Anna at San Jacinto and drives him back across the Rio Grande. While the Texians proclaim their republic, Mexico continues to see Texas as a province under rebel control.

In 1845, invoking America's "manifest destiny," President Polk offers statehood to the Texians, sends a force under Zachery Taylor to the Rio Grande and declares war when Mexico crosses the river in response. The US steadily pushes the Mexicans southward in several battles.

A western front is begun in 1846 when Gen. Kearny subdues the lightly defended New Mexico Territory, then marches on to California to support a "bear flag" rebellion begun by freelance officer John Fremont. The US Navy under Sloat sails into California ports claiming them for the US. Resistance to the occupation by landed Mexican "Californios" is put down by Sloats' and Kearnys' forces.

A third front is opened as Winfield Scott takes the coastal city of Vera Cruz, then pushes the Mexican Army in a series of battles back into Mexico City, where Santa Anna surrenders. Santa Anna is exiled. Vast areas of territory are added to the Union, including, for better or worse, the states of California and Texas.

Second Seminole War 1835‑1842

U.S.‑Mexican War (1846‑1847)‑The United States invaded Mexico and forced the Mexicans to cede the northern half of the country and also to give up any claim to Texas.

Kansas Civil War "Bleeding Kansas" (1855‑1860) Guerilla warfare between pro and anti slavery forces.

Y Brown's Raid on Harpers Ferry (1859)‑Anti‑slavery militant John Brown's attempt to jump start a slave rebellion.

Y Civil War (1861‑1865)

1861: The Civil War planned, financed and precipitate by the Satanic, Illuminati, Jewish Bankers to divide and weaken and capture the United States. It was money, not slavery, that caused the Civil War. The conspirators have planned, caused and financed every bloody War for hundreds of years.

������������������������������������ Civil War

In the guise of the Roman Catholic Church, the Red Dragon, who was, "...wroth with the woman {National Israel ‑‑ United States} went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which {nationally} keep the {10} commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus Christ." (Revelation 12:17)

Since the Dragon was not able to destroy the "manchild nation" {America} as soon as it was born, sought to exterminate it with his secret weapon masquerading as the Roman Catholic Church. Samuel Morse, father of electronic telegraphy, found out about the conspiracy of Rome to kill our young American Republic and published in 1834 his remarkable work, Conspiracies Against the Liberties of the U.S.

The book which revealed this bit of information on page 290, also carried this quotation: "It is under those bloody banners {religious massacres in Europe} of 6,000 Roman Catholic priest, Jesuits and Bishops, in the United States, and marching to the conquest of this republic, backed by their seven millions of blind and obedient slaves...A political conspiracy under the cloak of a religious mission was formed against the U.S., yes, without Romanism, the last awful Civil War would have been impossible, Jeff Davis would never have dared to attack the North, had he not had assurance from the Pope, the Jesuits, the Bishops, the Priests and the whole people of the Church of Rome under the name and mask of Democracy, except they would help him." (Fifty Years In The Church of Rome, page 290, by Father Chiniquy); "The Jesuits are a Military Organization, not a religious order. Their chief is a general of an army, not the mere father abbot of a monastery. And the aim of this organization is: Power. Power in its most despotic exercise. Absolute power, universal power, power to control the world by the volition of a single man. Jesuitism is the most enormous of abuses." (Memorial of the Captivity of Napoleon St. Helena, General Montholon, Vol. ii p. 62, Fifty Years in the Church of Rome, p. 289); "Pope Gregory VII {a Jew} decided it was not murder to kill excommunicated persons. This rule was incorporated in the canon law. During the revision of the code, which took place in the 16th century, and which produced a whole volume of corrections, the passage was allowed to stand. It appears in every reprint of the Corpus Juris. It has been for 700 years, and continues to be, part of the ecclesiastical law. Far from being a dead letter, it obtained a new application in the days of the Inquisition {under A SPANISH BASQUE, A JEW, WHOSE NAME WAS LOPEZ DERECALDE, BUT WHO PREFERRED TO BE CALLED IGNATUIS LOYOLA}; and one of the later Popes has declared that the murder of a Protestant is so good a deed that it atones, and more than atones, for the murder of a Catholic." (The London Times July 20, 1872)

"Has the Church of Rome expressed any regret for having promulgated and executed such bloody laws? No! On the contrary, she has anathematized all those who think or say that she was wrong when she deluged the world with the blood of the millions she ordered to be slaughtered to quench her thirst for blood {is this not what the Jews have done to Christians since they Crucified the Lord Jesus Christ}; she positively said that she had the right to punish those heretics by tortures and death. Those bloody and anti‑social laws, were written on the banners of the Roman Catholics, when slaughtering 100,000 Waldenses in the mountains of Piedmont, more than 50,000 defenseless men, women and children in the city of Bezieres.

�It is under the inspiration of those diabolical laws of Rome, that 75,000 Protestants were massacred the night and following week of St Bartholomew. It was to obey those bloody laws that Louis XIV revoked the Edict of Nates, caused the death of half a million of men, women, and children, who perished in all the highways of France, and caused twice that number to die in the land of exile, where they had found a refuge.

�Those anti‑social laws, today, are written on her banners with the blood of ten millions of martyrs. It is under those bloody banners that 6,000 Roman Catholic priests, Jesuits and bishops, in the United States, are marching to the conquest of this republic, backed by their seven millions of blind and obedient slaves. Those laws, are still the ruling laws of Rome, were the main cause of the last rebellion of the Southern States.

�Yes! Without Romanism, the last awful Civil War would have been impossible. Jeff Davis would never have dared to attack the North, had he not had assurance from the Pope, that the Jesuits, the bishops, the priests and the whole people of the Church of Rome, under the name and mask of democracy, would help him.

�These diabolical and anti‑social laws of Rome caused a Roman Catholic {Beauregard a Jew} to be the man chosen to fire the first gun at Fort Sumter, against the flag of Liberty, on the 12th of April, 1861. Those anti‑Christian and anti‑social laws caused the Pope of Rome to be the only crowned prince in the whole world, to publicly shake hands with Jeff Davis, and proclaim him president of a legitimate government.

�These are the laws which led the assassins of Abraham Lincoln to the house of a rabid Roman Catholic woman, Mary Surratt {a Jewess}, which was not only the rendezvous of the priests of Washington, but the very dwelling‑house of some of them. Those bloody and infernal laws of Rome nerved the arm of the Roman Catholic, Booth {a Jew}, when he slaughtered one of the noblest men God has ever given to the world.

�Those bloody and anti‑social laws of Rome, after having covered Europe with ruins, tears, and blood for ten centuries, have crossed the oceans to continue their work of slavery and desolation, blood and tears, ignorance and demoralization, on this continent.

�Under the mask and name of democracy {which is in all reality Judaism} they have raised the standard of rebellion of the South against the North, and caused more than half a million of the most heroic sons of America to fall on the fields of carnage.

�In the very near future, if God does not miraculously prevent it, those laws of dark deeds and blood will cause the prosperity, the rights, the education, and the liberties of this too confident nation to be buried under the mountain of smoking and bloody ruins. On the top of that mountain, Rome {Judaism through the rule of the Black Pope} will raise her throne and plant her victorious banners." (The London Times p. 289‑291)

Lincoln was quoted to have said: �We owe it to the Popery (by this Lincoln was saying that it was under the office of the Black Pope, who was then a Jew and has been a Jew for many hundreds of years; it is he that the real ruler of the Roman Catholic Church; this Lincoln knew but he also knew that the people did not have that knowledge) that we now see our land reddened with the blood of her noble sons. Though there were differences of opinion between the South and the North, on the question of slavery, neither Jeff Davis nor anyone of the leading men of the Confederacy would have dared to attack the North, had they not relied on the Promises of the Jesuits {the Jews}, that...

�The Money and the Arms of the Roman Catholic Church, and even the arms of France were at their disposal, if they would attack us {See how long the Dragon; Satan's Children have been working to enslave the entire world and destroy the memory of Christ and Christianity from off the face of the earth, and if possible at the same time to destroy True Israel the Anglo-Saxons, Germanic, Celtic and Kindred People}.

�I pity the Priests, the Bishops and the Monks of Rome in the United States, when the people realize that they are in Great part responsible for the Tears and Blood Shed in this war. I conceal what I know, for if the people knew the whole truth, this war would turn into a religious war, and at once, take a tenfold more savage and bloody character. It would become merciless as all religious wars are. It would become a war of extermination on both sides.

�The Protestants of both the North and South would surely unite to exterminate the Priests and Jesuits, if they could hear what Professor Morse has said to me of the plots made in the very city of Rome to destroy this Republic, and if they could learn how the Priests, the Nuns, and the Monks, which daily land on our shores, under the pretext of preaching their religion, instructing the people in their schools, taking care of the sick in the hospitals, are nothing but the emissaries of the Pope, of Napoleon and the other despots of Europe, to undermine our institutions, alienate the hearts of our people from our Constitution and our laws, destroy our schools, and prepare a reign of anarchy here as they have done in Ireland, in Mexico, in Spain and wherever there are any people who want to be free...New projects of assassination are detected almost every day, accompanied with such savage circumstances that they bring to my memory the massacre of St. Bartholomew and the Gunpowder Plot.

�Our investigation indicates that they come from the same masters in the art of murder, the Jesuits {the Jews}. The New York riots were evidently a Romish plot from beginning to end. We have the proofs in hand that they were the work of Bishop Hughes and his emissaries.

�No doubt can remain about the bloody attempts of Rome to destroy New York, when we know the easy way it was stopped. I wrote to Bishop Hughes, telling him that the whole country would hold him responsible for it if he would not stop it at once. He then gathered the rioters around his palace, called them his 'dear friends,' invited them to go back home peacefully, and all was finished!...

�From the beginning of our civil war, there has been, not a secret, but a public alliance, between the Pope of Rome and Jeff Davis. The pope and his Jesuits have advised, supported, and directed Jeff Davis {through Judah P. Benjamin, also a Jew} on the land, from the first gun shot at Fort Sumter by the Rabid Roman Catholic Beauregard {Jew}.

�They are helping him on the sea by guiding and supporting the rabid Roman Catholic pirate, Semmes, on the ocean... The pope has thrown away the mask, and shown himself the public partisan and the protector of the rebellion, by taking Jeff Davis by the hand, and impudently recognizing the Southern States as a legitimate government.

�I have the proof in hand that that very Bishop Hughes, whom I had sent to Rome the very man who advised the pope to recognize the legitimacy of the Southern republic, and put the whole weight of his tiara in the balance against us in favor of our enemies! Such is the perfidity of those Jesuits {Jews}." (Fifty Years In the Church of Rome, pages 297‑299)

������������ Judah P. Benjamin, Rothschild Agent

"Napoleon's object was to assure the predomination of the French over the Latin races and to augment the influence of these races in America. Napoleon decided to recognize the independence of the rebellious American States and repeatedly urged the British government to join him in so doing." (Mackenzie in his historical research entitled, The Nineteenth Century)

The most prominent Jew on either side during the Civil War, was Judah P. Benjamin, born in the West Indies, a brilliant lawyer, Attorney General, Secretary of War and Secretary of State of the Confederacy. Writing about Benjamin's days as a student at Yale, Burton J. Hendrick in his Statesmen of the Lost Cause (1939) said:

"All that we can say with any definiteness, at this late date, is that Benjamin left Yale, not of his own volition and not because of financial stringency; that his offense was so serious that the authorities declined to consider his request for a rehearing; that he himself misstated the reason for the separation; that the charge was made, in a responsible journal and by a college mate of standing, that he had been caught stealing from his fellow students; that Benjamin made no public denial of this charge; that all his life he showed a constant apprehension of a biography and destroyed all papers and documents that would facilitate inquiries into his past." (Statesmen of the Lost Cause (1939), p. 164)

John Slidell (another traitorous Jew), one-time fellow Senator of Judah P. Benjamin from Louisiana, became Confederate envoy to France soon after the Civil War began. Of him, Burton J. Hendrick said:

"Long before Slidell attained the 1853, the word 'Slidellian' had taken on a well-defined meaning...In this proceeding, Judah P. Benjamin was his associate, as in politics generally; and, justly or unjustly, the standing of both men suffered severely...

�Benjamin and Slidell's biographers have been unable to discover the truth or falsity of these accusations, any more than they have proved, or disproved, similar scandals involving the Techuantepec Railway, in which both Benjamin and Slidell were concerned...

His (Slidell's) ancestry contained perhaps a Jewish strain; at any rate, in Paris he became in intimate of leading Jewish families. One to whom he was especially close was Emile Erlanger, head of the great French (Jewish) banking house of Erlanger et Cie...Erlanger's son...fell in love with Slidell's daughter, the spirituelle Matilda, and, from that moment, Confederate and French relations present a romantic association of Haymen and baste finance. Erlanger was made the French intermediary in all Confederate transactions...

�The Erlanger loan (to the Confederacy) only one party found profitable. That was the banking house of Erlanger et Cie. Matilda Slidell's father-in-law emerged from the transaction with gains not far from $2,700,000...It is a fair estimate that the Confederate Treasury obtained about $2,500,000 from a bond issue for which it had pledged payment...of $15,000,000 in capital and seven percent in interest." (Statesmen of the Lost Cause, pp. 220, 231)

Edwin de Leon, another Jew, was appointed Confederate publicity agent in Paris. Of him, Hendrick said:

"On leaving Richmond, the Secretary of State had given de Leon extremely confidential letters from Benjamin to Slidell... Benjamin sought to bribe Napoleon III, into recognizing the Confederacy and breaking the blockade. On the voyage to France, de Leon opened and read these communications; which he presented the documents, with broken seals, to Slidell, that diplomat's anger knew no restraint." (Statesmen of the Lost Cause, p. 391)

Judah P. Benjamin was chosen by the Rothschilds to do their work in the United States and he was the first adviser to Jefferson Davis, the President of the Southern Confederacy. Benjamin has been called "the brains of the revolt." He was also the Secretary of State of the Confederacy under Jeff Davis.

The Confederacy consisted of eleven Southern States bound by a written Constitution, modeled in part after our own Constitution. It was founded on the fundamental principle that each one of its eleven constituted States had the right to secede from the Union, or to separate from the other 23 out of the 34 states of the Union.

Nevertheless, at the instigation of Benjamin, and under pressure of Napoleon, Texas and Louisiana were placed on the bargain counter in exchange, presumably, for Napoleon's aid. The latter was supported by Disraeli of England, who had assured the Confederacy of the support of Britain behind the nine remaining States, after Texas and Louisiana were to be ceded to France.

Under the guiding hand of Judah P. Benjamin {a Jew}, chosen by the Rothschilds and the Church of Rome to represent the International Bankers to do their work for them in the United States, was also the first advisor to Jefferson Davis, the President of the Southern Confederacy. Benjamin is reputed to be the "brains of the revolt," as he was also the Secretary of State of the Confederacy.

Through the hands of this man, huge sums of money were provided to finance the destruction of this great New Christian American Republic flowed. The Confederacy fell and the men who had fought a valiant fight for what they believed right were thrown into the even greater travail of the Reconstruction; while Judah P. Benjamin, almost alone of the leaders of the South, forsook immediately the suffering people who had honored and enriched him, fled to England and was soon embarked upon a new career of distinction and wealth, Reminiscent of others of his Religion {Jewish} dispossessed of their temporary cause and gains.

While we are talking of the Civil War it behooves us to mention that Abraham Lincoln (Little has been published about the early life of Abraham Lincoln. However, during a search of some old property records and will in a small courthouse in central North Carolina, Alex Christopher the author of "Pandora's Box,"; in one of the old will books dated around 1840, he found the will of one A.A. Springs. Upon reading the will he was shocked and amazed at the secret that it disclosed, but one must remember that it is a known fact that wills, even though they are classified public records the same as property and corporation records, they are rarely combed through as he was doing at the time, and these records hold many dark secrets that can be hidden in public view, but are never uncovered because there are very few who research these old records.

����� This practice of hiding secrets in public view and the conspirators can say, when faced with the facts and accused of concealing the records; they can reply

"Well it was there in the public record in plan view for any and all to find."

In the will of A.A. Springs was the list of his property. it went into detail to whom the property was to be dispersed and it included his children. Mr. Christopher and others were looking to find what railroads and banks this man might have owned and had left to his son Leroy Springs. He didn't find anything like that, but he did find the prize of the century.

�On the bottom of page three of four pages was a paragraph where the father, A.A. Springs, left to his son an enormous amount of land in the state of Alabama which amounted to the land that is today known as Huntsville, Alabama and then he went into detail to name the son and at first Mr. Christopher and the others with him couldn't believe what they were seeing, but there it was the name of the son and it was "ABRAHAM LINCOLN!"

�This new information that they had about the Springs (real name Springstein) family, this was just another twist to add to the already manipulative family. This new information about Lincoln built a fire under them to see where this new lead would take them, because everything they had found in the railroad and banking saga had been areal mind-bender.

�They figured this one would be the same; so they inquired at the local archives and historical records on families and found a reference to one Abraham Lincoln in the family genealogy of the family of the Carolina by the name of McAdden, in a published genealogy on the family. The family members in the Carolinas were in a limited edition that at one time could be found in the public libraries. The section on Lincoln and the story went something like the following:

���� "In the late spring of the year of 1808 Nancy Hanks, who was of the family lineage of the McAdden family was visiting some of her family in the community of Lincolnton, North Carolina. While on her stay with family in the Carolina's, she vistaed with many of the neighboring families that she had known for many years; one such visit was the Springs family.

�The sordid details had been omitted but obviously the young Nancy Hanks had found herself in a compromised position and was forced to succumb to the lust of A.A. Springs. She became pregnant as a result. There were no details of a love affair or an act of violence on a helpless female. Abraham Lincoln was the result of that act, which leads one to wonder if the name Lincoln was real or a fabricated name for the are of conception was Lincolnton. Was there really a Thomas Lincoln? Since the Spring were of the race that called themselves Jewish, that made Lincoln part Jewish and as part of the Springs family, he also became a relative of the Rothschild family by blood."

����� The following information was derived from information that exists in the Smithsonian, National Archives, the Congressional Library, Courtroom Police files, public and private libraries and storage vaults across the United States and Europe:

���� "Abraham Lincoln was slapped three times with a white glove by a member of the Hapsburg royal family of Germany (Payseur family relatives) during a White House reception in 1862. The German royal family member demanded a pistol duel with the, then, President of the United States, Abraham Lincoln. The blows to the face stunned Lincoln but he non-verbally refused to participate in the duel by bowing his head before walking out of the reception room. What had ol' honest Abe done to so enrage and up-set the royal European personage?

�It seems that the practice of promiscuity was running rampant in many families in those days and the German King Leopold had, had an illegitimate daughter named Elizabeth who was sent to America, where she lived in a very comfortable manner. Although Leopold could not recognize her position, he was very interested in her life.

�In the early or mid 1850s, Abraham Lincoln and Elizabeth began having sexual liaisons that produced twin daughters named Ella and Emily in 1856. The regal German father who was so royally up-set with ol' honest Abe probably had full knowledge of what the true blood line of Lincoln really was. Abraham's wife, Mary Todd Lincoln, did not find out about Elizabeth, Ella and Emily until 1865. Previous to being informed about Elizabeth and the twins, Mrs. Lincoln had developed a ravaging dependency on opium.

�Her main supplier of the drug was a former member of the Confederate Intelligence community, he was a former member because the Southern gentlemen did not approve of his drug pushing and unreliable behavior. It was because of his involvement with the Souther Intelligence Community, Mary's supplier - John Wilks Booth - knew about the lover and the illegal twins.

�After being spurned by the Confederate intelligence community, Mary's 'candy man' approached and became involved with the Rothschild Empire of Europe, for he realized the European banking moguls would be very interested in his pipeline to the White House.

�(At this time) Abraham was searching for an issue that would unite the North and South AFTER the Civil War ended. The issue needed to be popular to all levels of American citizenry so they could 'rally around the Stars and Stripes' thus rapidly healing the wounds of the bloodiest war in history.

�Lincoln was seriously considering one major movement or event that would galvanize his fellow Northern and Southern patriot countrymen into cutting loose the United States of America from the dictatorial grip of the Hapsbergs bloodline of banking control in Europe. All the time, the Rothschilds were trying to take control of the entire world monetary system, and at that time the Rothschilds were trying to get a foot-hold in America and find a way around the British, Virginia Company, and French Bourbon family that were gaining control in this country through government help...

�Lincoln found himself in real hot water, because under the Virginia Company covenant the 48 families that formed it were all of the Holy Grail Bloodline. This country was to be an extension of what all the royal families of Europe controlled.

�The royalty of Europe is Hapsburg, no matter what their name is. The royal family of England is one such example. Now what Lincoln did is he wanted to become independent of the covenant (in favor of his family) on the Rothschild side...the Rothschilds and their family bloodline have always been undermining the affairs of the Hapsbergs and stealing the monetary control away from them.

�No matter what the history books say, the Rothschilds didn't get (total) real control on things in America and the Federal Reserve until the Springs usurped the Payseur family companies in the early 1920s...

�(But Lincoln had fallen from Rothschild grace also and so, due, in part to his Executive Order to print United States Greenbacks, thus interfering with the Jewish International Banks profits) It appears that the Rothschild family wanted Lincoln embarrassed to the maximum degree. (So) Mary Todd's drug dealer (John Wilks Booth) was hired to kidnap the President of the United States.

�Abraham would be put on a boat for a two month cruise of the Atlantic where he would be injected with and addicted to opium and then dumped on the streets of Washington. While the forcefully addicted President was stumbling around our nation's capital, the press would be informed of Elizabeth, Ella and Emily.

�The drug pusher (Booth) and collaborator (agent) of the Rothschilds had his perfect accomplice in the plot to kidnap and discredit the leader of the North American continent in the First Lady Mary Todd Lincoln. After being informed of Abe's lover and the twins and the kidnap plot by her drug supplier, Mary was promised that after her husband resigned or was impeached, she and Abe would be moved to Europe to live happily ever after with plenty of opium.

�Superficially Mary expressed a desire to live in Europe with plenty of opium and no Civil War or politics to distract her husband or family. But her drug suppler had totally underestimated the confusion, desperation and anger of Mary Todd Lincoln.

�The plotters decided the Presidential snatch needed to take place in a public, yet discreet location where minimum witnesses would be present. There were too many potential witnesses at the White House. Two hours before the capture was to take place, Mary Todd had on the floor, a tantrum, because Abe had decided not to go out of the White House that night. Mary's outrageous outburst caused Abe to change his mind and the First family departed.

�Several minutes after arriving at the kidnap location, Mary instructed the family bodyguard to take a position that placed the First Family out of his visual sight. The position also required the bodyguard to traverse several flights of stairs to reach Abe and Mary should he be needed for any reason...

�A wagon with a wooden cover arrived at the back entrance of the kidnap location with several men including Mary's opium supplier. The plan was for the drug pusher to traverse the backstairs entrance, silently move down a hallway, and open an unlocked door to a darkened room where Mary and Abe were sitting.

�After entering the room, Mary's drug man (Booth) would tell the President an urgent message was waiting for him at the War Department. Before descending down the backstairs, Abe would be knocked out with a chloroform loth. The kidnappers would load the limp body into the covered wagon and swiftly stow Lincoln on an opium boat for a novel 'cruise' of the Atlantic Ocean.

�When Booth actually opened the door to the darkened room where Abe and Mary were sitting, he went into a panic and shock. Abe was asleep with his head on Mary's left shoulder and the First Lady had her head turned toward the left looking at the door...When she was sure the man who opened the door was Booth, she turned and looked at the President to be sure the pistol she was pointing would explode beneath the lower left earlobe of her husband.

�Before Mary pulled the trigger, John Wilkes Booth, drug supplier to the First Lady, realized he was the patsy in all this mess. But he did not know if he was only Mary's patsy or also a chump for the Rothschild family. Were the men hiding around the back door of Ford's Theater there to help Booth with the kidnaping or there to point the false finger at the 'innocent' Booth? Booth was not about to run into the hallway or down the backstairs to find out the answer to that question.

���� The only escape route was to jump the balcony and crash onto the stage during the performance. That night, Booth gave a literal interpretation of the theatrical phrase 'brake a leg' as he fractured one of his during his leaping act from 'lethally looney Mary' and the men lurking around the back entrance of Ford's Theater.

�In a novelty case on a wall in Ford's Theater is 'The Gun That Shot Abraham Lincoln.' If anyone (assassin) were to kill a head of state, they would use a revolver, because several bullets might be needed to accomplish the murder and stop any guards during the escape. One would only use a one-shot pistol if they were absolutely sure they had intimate access to the victim.

�The gun on the wall of Ford's Theater is a derringer-the perfect weapon for the left handed female assassin who did not attend her husbands funeral. Mary Todd was not hiding in her room due to overwhelming grief and sorrow; she was imprisoned in her room with two armed guards for two weeks after killing her husband.

�In the 1860s, an act of Congress mandated the compensation of widows of former and active Congressmen, Senators, Vice Presidents and Presidents. The mouth and duration was ratified by both Houses of Congress for each widow. Mary Todd Lincoln applied for her widowers compensation three times and was denied the mandated compensation three times by both Houses of Congress. An unknown benefactor paid for Mary's passage to Europe where she died in small cottage in Germany.

�In 1867, the Secret Service was founded so that drunken municipal law enforcement could not unwittingly participate with drug-addicted First Ladies or Gentlemen in vengeful high-brow killings of philandering Presidents of the United States. (To cover up the murders committed which would reflect a bad light for the presiding Administration, such as the Foster murder is doing at the present time).

�Before Booth jumped out of the balcony of the Presidential Box of the Ford Theater, he shouted at General Riley and his wife who were sitting to the right-front of the Lincolns. Booth's words expressed his innocence but also sealed the fate of the Rileys.


That the plot of Booth, involved not only the assassination of Lincoln, which was accomplished, but also the assassination on the same night of the Vice President, Andrew Johnson, of the Secretary of State, William H. Seward, and of General Ulysses S. Grant. Seward, who was ill at his home, was stabbed, as was also his son, Frederick Seward, by David E. Herold {A Jew}, a co‑conspirator with Booth, who was hanged.

Vice President Johnson escaped injury, but George A. Atzerodt {also a Jew} was hanged for conspiring with Booth to kill him. General Grant, who was to have attended the theater with Lincoln that night, due to an unexpected departure for Burlington, New Jersey, was unharmed.

"John Booth, A Jewish silversmith whose ancestors had been exiled from Portugal because of their radical political views. In London the refugees had continued their trade and free thinking, and John had married Wilkes' cousin. This Wilkes was the 'celebrated agitator John Wilkes of Westminster, London...John Wilkes Booth's father was Junius Brutus Booth." (The Mad Booths of Maryland)

Our American school children have been taught that the Civil War was fought over the slavery problem, but this was only a surface issue to hide the intrigue of the Great Red Dragon to foment one side against the other. After thousands of our choice White Israel sons and one of our greatest Presidents were murdered, our Great God stopped the slaughter of the Dragon: By the Intervention of the Czar of Russia, who God sent to our National Rescue, but unknown to most Americans.

����������� Division of U.S. Plotted in London

Disraeli, the late Jewish Prime Minister of England, determined to divide the United States and give one part to Lionel {Rothschild}. Thus the North would become a British Colony annexed to Canada. The South would go to Napoleon {Rothschild}.

In the year 1857, the money power of old Europe was centered in the House of Rothschild. Disraeli represented them in England; Napoleon III in France; Bismarck in Germany and Mazzini in Italy. According to Mr. John Reeves, who wrote on page 228, of an authorized biography entitled "The Rothschilds, The Financial Rulers of Nations," based on research in their own archives, there was a famous meeting in the City of London in 1857.

The great Rothschild family was assembled from the countries of Europe for the marriage of Lionel Rothschild's daughter, Leonora, to her cousin, Alphonse, son of James Rothschild of Paris.

It was at this time Disraeli is reported to have said: "Under this roof are the heads of the family of Rothschild ‑‑ a name famous in every capital of Europe and every division of the globe. If you like, we shall divide the United States into two parts, one for you, James, and one for you, Lionel. Napoleon will do exactly and all that I shall advise him."

Thus, in London, we see a plan fostered by the money power of Europe, moving in on America, and pitting the North against the South under the old principle of "divide and conquer." This has always been the Jewish plan to destroy nations which are dangerous to their plans for world conquest, to divide and conquer. Germany is a prime example, as it was divided after World War II.

Remember that the Civil War with all of its suffering, blood shed and death was calmly planned and blueprinted by the Satanic Rothschild bankers in Europe and in conjunction with their agents who control the Catholic Church from behind the scenes, in 1857. The Rothschild, Jewish, Zionist triumvirate in obedience to their Bilderberger comrades did the same with World Wars I and II, Korea and Vietnam.


Disraeli and the Catholic Church had already assured the Confederacy of Britain's support. However, this was not to help the South; it was to crush both the North and the South and to conquer and possess both. As a result, English, French and Spanish troops were landed at Vera Cruz in 1862.

The French General, Bazaine, occupied the capitol of Mexico at the time. So Napoleon was ready to strike and help divide and destroy the United States. The danger was great. The situation looked hopeless. Understanding the situation Lincoln spent long nights in humble prayer to Almighty God. He knew the North, alone, could not withstand such a combination. Moreover, Archduke Maximilian had been induced to accept the throne of Mexico.

BUT GOD STEPPED IN Fortunately God in His wisdom exposed this Satanic plot to the Christian Czar of Russia through his Ambassadors in Paris and London; who upon learning of the Rothschild ‑ Disraeli ‑ Catholic ‑ Napoleonic plot immediately dispatched a fleet of ships and men to San Francisco under the command of Admiral S. Lesowsky.

He also rushed a squadron to New York to New York under the command of Admiral A.A. Popoff. Both Admirals had orders from the Czar to be ready to fight any power {nation} on earth, and TO TAKE THEIR ORDERS DIRECTLY FROM PRESIDENT ABRAHAM LINCOLN; AND HIM ALONE. Needless to say, this quick, generous and vigorous action saved the United States from the intrigue of the International Jewish Bankers. So James Rothschild was left without Mexico and the Southern States, and Lionel could not capture the North through military measures.

But the European Machevillis were determined on financial conquest, if not actual slavery. At the same time, this great and good Christian Czar, who, as the servant of Almighty God and by His Power, saved the United States, lovingly and voluntarily emancipated 47 million serfs on September 19, 1861, and Translated the Entire Bible into the Russian language. For his courageous and benevolent acts, he was murdered by the Atheistic, God‑hating, one‑world, Jewish bankers in 1881.

He was another casualty in the conflict of the ages. The conflict between right and wrong, light and darkness, good and evil, Christ and anti‑Christ, God and Satan. The same devils murdered Lincoln on April 4, 1865. THE HISTORY BOOKS LIE ABOUT WHY BOOTH KILLED LINCOLN. CODED MESSAGES IN BOOTH�S TRUNK AND THE KEY TO THESE CODES IN JUDAH P. BENJAMIN�S POSSESSION PROVED THAT LINCOLN; WAS MURDERED BY ORDERS FROM THE JEWISH ROTHSCHILD BANKERS. Their successors are still doing the same today.

Our childrens' history textbooks continue to teach that the American Civil War was fought over the Slavery issue. But if we look behind the scenes we will find that the "slave question" was but the surface issue.

Y U.S. Intervention in Hawaiian Revolution (1893)

Y Spanish‑American War (1898)

America's Wars in Asia:� A Cultural Approach

America's Wars in Asia: A Cultural Approach, the flagship project of The Maureen and Mike Mansfield Center at The University of Montana, encompasses two of the Center's core activities: (1) The Digital Teaching Library; (2)The U.S.‑Asia Dialogue Series. Firmly grounded in the scholarly expertise and teaching experience of Center faculty, the America's Wars project takes a long view of the Asia Pacific, Korean, and Vietnam Wars. First, we locate each of these wars within the context of American interaction with Asia over a span of many decades. History is our starting point.

Second, we believe that war illuminates the features of a given society, expanding our capacity to comprehend its distinctive cultural, social, and political values and characteristics. Third, we recognize that war engenders and accelerates change within and among societies in conflict. The study of war enhances our ability to grasp the ongoing evolution of American‑Asian relations and modern Asian history.

The project insists upon the complex and contested character of war. It employs a cultural approach that is defined by two tensions. The first is the in congruency between the abstractions of conventional military and diplomatic history and the awful realities that constitute the human dimensions of war. Our cultural approach strikes a balance between facts, figures, time lines, and historical documents on the one hand, and the enduring issues of war that emerge from individual experience and expression, whether on the battlefield, the home front, or in the classroom, on the other.

The second defining tension is the distance between American and Asian perspectives on the history of war and the legacies of war. Differences in perspective are determined not merely by the dichotomies of victor and vanquished, right or wrong, but also by palpable cultural differences that continue to shape American‑East Asian relations. In the spirit of Maureen and Mike Mansfield, the cultural approach provides an open forum for all voices to be heard, weighed, and registered.

Though it is not mentioned in the above discourse, the major reason for the intervention of America and Britain into the Asian market, was not cultural at all. The people at that time in history could have cared less about cultural differences and etc. It was to clear the way so the Jews could introduce drugs into China and not have any opposition.

Y U.S. Intervention in Samoan Civil War (1898‑1899) with U.S. and British Naval Bombardment of Samoa ‑‑A resumption of past civil wars in which Samoan chief Mataafa seized power following the death of his rival, King Malietoa Laupepa, who had defeated him in the last Samoan Civil War (1893‑1894).

Fighting ensued, which was complicated by the long‑standing rivalry between the U.S., Britain and Germany for de facto control over the Samoan Islands. On March 15, 1899, warships of the American and British Navies bombarded the Samoan city of Apia to intimidate the reigning Samoan king, who was allied with the Germans. An Anglo‑American landing force took control of Apia, but were not able to pacify the interior.

All sides agreed to cease fighting on May 13, 1899. Later that year, the three Western nations signed a treaty dividing Samoa between them. This whole conflict was part of a wider Samoan civil war.

Y Philippine‑American War (1899‑1902)

Y Boxer Rebellion (1900)‑Also involved Britain, France, Germany, Russia, Japan, Italy, Austria‑Hungary against "Boxer" rebels in China as well as the Chinese government.

The Moro Wars (1901‑1913)‑Guerilla warfare against U.S. forces by the Moro Muslims of the southern Philippines. Can be seen as a continuation of the Philippine‑American War.

Y U.S. Intervention in Panamanian Revolution (1903)‑The U.S. landed troops in Panama to prevent Columbia from crushing the separatist Panamanian government.

1912/1941: American troops were sent into China. The disorders which began with the Komintang rebellion in 1912, was redirected by the invasion of China by Japan and finally ended with the war between Japan and the United States and at many points from 1912 to 1941.

The guard at Peking and along the route to the sea was maintained until 1941. In 1927, the United States had 5670 troops ashore in China and 44 Naval Vessels in its waters. In 1933 the U.S., had 3027 armed men ashore. All this protective action was in general terms based on treaties with China dating from 1858 to 1901.

1913: Mexico: A few marines landed at Claria Estero to aid in the evacuation of American citizens and others from the Yaqu Valley, made dangerous for Americans by civil strife.

1914: Haiti: Troops were landed to protect American Nations in a time of dangerous civil unrest.

1914: Dominican Republic: During a revolutionary movement, U.S. Naval forces by gunfire stopped the bombardment of Puerto Plata, and by threat of force maintained Santa Domingo City as a neutral zone.

1914/1917: Mexico: The undeclared Mexican-American hostilities following the Dolphin affair and Villa�s raids included capture of Vera Cruz and later Perishing�s Expedition into Northern Mexico.

1909/1933: The Banana Wars: A series of U.S. interventions in various Central American and Caribbean countries.

1915/1934: Haiti: To maintain order during a period of chronic and threatened insurrection.

1916: China: American forces landed to quell a riot taking place on American property in Nanking.

1916/1924: Dominican Republic: To maintain order during a period of chronic and threatened insurrection.

1917: Two hundred Seventy-six trained Jewish revolutionaries; financed by Jacob Schiff, Otto Kahn and Paul Warburg, of Kuhn, Loeb and Co., New York Bankers with Forty-eight million dollars were shipped from New York to Russia to direct their power to the world in a quiet way, they passed through Germany, IN A SEALED CAR, with whom we were at war, by the permission of Paul Warburg�s brother, who was the Kaiser�s Chief of Espionage, and permission of the German Chancellor, Von Behhman-Hollweg (a Jew). Trotsky and Lenin were the leaders. All attempted assassinations and actual assassinations of the Czars and their families were carried out by the Jews.

1917: China: American troops were landed at Chungking to protect American lives during a political crisis.

1917/1918: World War I: First United States troops in France as America (Because of the treason and treachery of the Jewish deception and propaganda) declared war on Germany on April 6, which was a result of GERMANY�S EFFORTS TO BUILD A RAILROAD INTO THE MIDDLE EAST, AND BECAUSE OF ENGLAND�S PROMISE TO THE JEWS, as stated in the Balfour Declaration, FOR THEIR ASSISTANCE IN ENTICING, AND DECEIVING THE U.S. INTO ENTERING THE WAR ON THE SIDE OF ENGLAND AND NOT GERMANY.

1917/1922: Cuba: Troops were landed to protect American (read that Jewish Banker) interests during an insurrection and subsequent unsettled conditions. Most of the United States armed forces left Cuba by August 1919, but two companies remained at Camaquey until February 1922.

1918/1919: Mexico: After withdrawal of the Perishing expedition, our troops entered Mexico in pursuit of bandits at least three time in 1918 and six in 1919. In August 1918 American and Mexican troops fought at Nogales.

1918/1920: Panama: For police duty according to treaty stipulations, at Chiriqual during election disturbances and subsequent unrest.

1918/1920: Soviet Russia: Marines were landed at and near Vladivostok in June and July to protect the American consulate and other points in the fighting between the Bolshevik (Jewish) troops and the Czech Army which had traversed Siberia from the Western Front.

A joint proclamation of emergency government and neutrality was issued by the American, Japanese, British, French and Czech Commanders in July and our party remained until late August. In August the project expanded, when 7,00 men were landed in Vladivostok and remained until January 1020, as part of an allied occupation force. In September 1918, 5,000 American troops joined the allied intervention force at Archangel, in support of the Bolshevik (Jewish) forces, suffered 500 casualties and remained until June 1919.

A handful of marines took part earlier in a British landing on the Murman Coast (near Norway) but only incidentally. ALL THESE OPERATIONS WERE IN SUPPORT OF THE BOLSHEVIK REVOLUTION in Russia and were partly supported by Bolshevik elements who participated at times with us, but no war was declared, and ALL OPERATIONS WERE UNDER THE PERSONAL DIRECTION OF THEN PRESIDENT WOODROW WILSON AND THE JEW BERNARD BARUCH, who had contributed $50,000 to Wilson�s election campaign, and subsequently appointed Head of the War Industrials Board.

Baruch spent 10 billion dollars of American money, giving his own companies the choicest contracts, on which he also could fix prices, and made himself a multi-millionaire by fleecing the People of the United States. He pretended to be a patriot, while he spent thousands to bring the Communist Church burners back from Spain WERE THEY BURNED CHRISTIAN RELATIONS LEADERS ALIVE after covering them with kerosene (Time Magazine, January 2, 1939).

1919/1921: Allied Intervention in Russian Civil War (1919‑1921) Also involved Britain, France, Japan, Italy, Poland and the Czech Legion against the new Bolshevik (Soviet Communist) government in Russia.

1919: Dalmatia: U.S. forces were landed at Trav at the request of Italian authorities to police order between the Italians and Serbs.

1919: Honduras: A landing force was sent ashore to maintain order in a neutral zone during an attempted revolution.

1920: Armenia, Azerbaidzhan, Byelorussia, Georgia, Kazakh, Kirghy and the Ukraine were bright under Communist Enslavement with the help of American Jews.

1920: China� A landing force was sent ashore for a few hours to protect lives during a disturbance at Klukiang.

1920: Guatemala: To protect the American Legation and other American (read that Jewish) interests, such as the cable station, during the period of fighting between unionist and the Government of Guatemala.

1920/1922: Russia (Siberia): An American Marine guard to protect the U.S. radio station and property on Russian Island, Bay of Vladivostok. Thus avoiding the use of the Radio Station from being used by anti-Bolshevik elements.

1921: Panama/Costa Rica: American naval squadrons demonstrated in April on both sides of the Isthmus to prevent war between the two countries over a boundary dispute.

1922: China: Between April 1922 and November 19923, Marines were landed five times to protect Americans during the periods of unrest.

1924: Uzbek, Turkmen and Outer Mongolia was added to the Communist block.

1914: Honduras. To protect American lives and (Jewish) interests during election hostilities.

1924: China. Marines were landed to protect Americans and other foreigners in Shanghai during Chinese factional hostilities.


1925: China: Fighting of Chinese factions accompanied by riots and demonstrations in Shanghai necessitated landing American forces to protect lives and property in the International Settlement.

1925: Honduras: To protect foreigners at La Celba during a political upheaval.

1925: Panama: Strikes and rent riots led to the landing of about 600 American troops to keep order and protect America interests.

1926: China. The nationalist attack on Hankow necessitated the landing of American naval forces to protect American Citizens. A small guard was maintained at the disposal of the consulate general even after September 16, when the rest of the forces were withdrawn. Likewise, when Nationalist (anti-communist) forces captured Klukiang, naval forces were landed for the protection of foreigners.

1926/1933: Nicaragua: The coup d�etat of General Chamorro aroused revolutionary activities leading to the landing of American Marines to protect the interests of the U.S. United States forces came and went, but seem not to have left the country entirely until January 1933. Their work included activity against the outlaw leader Sandino in 1928.

1927: China: Fighting at Shanghai caused American naval forces and marines to be increased there. In March a naval guard was stationed at the American Consulate at Nanking after Nationalist (anti-communist) forces captured the city. America and British destroyers later used shell fire to protect Americans and other foreigners, following this incident additional forces of Marines and naval vessels were ordered to China and stationed in the vicinity of Shanghai and Tientain.

1932: China. American forces were landed to protect American interests during the Japanese occupation of Shanghai.

1933: Cuba: During a revolution against Precedent Genardo Machado naval forces demonstrated but no landing was made.

1933: Russia: On the verge of economic collapse, was officially recognized by then President Roosevelt, averting the failure of World Communism and PRONOUNCED A DEATH SENTENCE UPON MILLIONS OF RUSSIAN, EAST EUROPEANS, CHINESE AND OTHER PEOPLE AROUND THE WORLD.

1934: China: Marines landed at Coochow to protect the American Consulate.

1939: The Communist Government, under Stalin�s rule, was so shaky that the Russian Army was on the verge of being defeated by tiny Finland; one of America�s most staunch allies. And with the diversion of just a tiny friction of the millions of tons of war equipment being shipped to Europe daily, could have saved Finland and dealt a severe blow to Stalin and the death blow to Communism.

Then just two years later, when Hitler and the German Army had cleared Eastern Europe of the Bolshevik plague; accepted the eager surrender of millions of Russian soldiers; was knocking at the door of Moscow Russia�s Communist rule was once again on the verge of collapse, America, at the cost of thousands of dead military and wounded American Troops, through orders of the Great Jewish Traitor Roosevelt, in an unheard of frenzy, rushed billions in military aid to Russia: Saved Stalin and with one monstrous Satanic act, saved the entire Communist World offensive from extinction.

1940: Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Moldavia were, with the aid of the U.S. and under cover of a war the Communists were enabled to spread their enslavement to four more countries.

1941/1946:� World War II: The Great Jewish Traitor Roosevelt, re-elected on promises to keep America out of the European War, tried repeatedly to entice German submarine commanders into sinking our unarmed merchant ships which were hauling millions of tons of war supplies to Germany�s enemies. ALTHOUGH IT IS STILL A CLOSELY GUARDED SECRET, A BRITISH SUBMARINE, DISGUISED AS A GERMAN U-2 BOAT, WAS CAPTURED FIRING UPON AN AMERICAN SHIP AND WAS TAKEN TO NORFOLK AND THEN QUIETLY RELEASED.

Not only that, but, it is a well known fact, Germany did not attack a single American ship, until after the U.S. entered the war. Unsuccessful in those attempts, Roosevelt turned his attention to Japan where he met with a complete success by setting up our entire Pacific Fleet, he lured the Japanese into attacking Pearl Harbor where more than THREE THOUSAND AMERICAN SERVICE MEN DIED; BECAUSE OF THE JEWISH PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT AND THE INTERNATIONAL JEWISH BANKERS WANTED THE UNITED STATES IN THE WAR.

Just in case you don�t think Roosevelt set out to get America into the war; THINK ABOUT THE FOLLOWING: If a group of men were standing around and watching a fight between some others suddenly one of the spectators (Japan) his another spectator without warning and knocks out several teeth U.S.: Now, if this happened, who is the one who was hit going to attack when he gets up?� Under a real life situation, the person who was hit, will retaliate against the one who threw the first sneak punch: This would be just common sense.


1941: Netherlands (Dutch Guiana): In November the President ordered American troops to occupy Dutch Giana, by agreement with the Netherlands Government in exile, while Brazil co-operated to protect aluminum ore supplies from the bauxite mines in Surinam.

1941: Iceland: Taken under the protection of the U.S., with the consent of its government, for strategic reasons.

1941: Germany: Some time early spring of 1941, the President ordered the navy to patrol ship lanes to Europe. By July U.S. warships were convoying and by September were attacking German submarines. THIS WAS DONE WITH NO AUTHORIZATION OF CONGRESS OR DECLARATION OF WAR. In November, the Neutrality Act was partly repealed to protect and allow military aid to Russia and Britain.

1945: With the signing of the Yalta Agreement, the Great Jewish Traitor Roosevelt, with the blessing of the U.S. Congress, nine more Eastern European countries were surrendered to Communist enslavement. Those countries were Albania, Bulgaria, Yugoslavia, Poland, Romania, Czechoslovakia, North Korea (the surrender of Japan was deliberately delayed until Russia could secure it), Hungary and East Germany.

1945/1991: The Cold War

1946: Treaty: President Truman ordered augmentation of U.S. Troops along the zonal occupation line and the reinforcement of air forces in northern Italy after Yugoslav forces shot down an unarmed U.S. Army transport plane flying over Venezia Giulia. Earlier U.S. naval units had been dispatched to the scene.

1948: Palestine: A Marine consular guard was sent to Jerusalem to protect the U.S. Consular General.

1948/1949: China: Marines were dispatched to Nanking to protect the American Embassy when the city fell to Communist troops, and to Shanghai to aid in the protection and evacuation of Americans.

1949: President Truman and his administration cut off all supplies to Chiang Kai-Shek, enabling Mao tse Tung to slaughter resistance and insure a Communist China.

1949: President Harry Truman, who stated that he �kinda liked old Joe (Stalin)� continued Roosevelt�s collaboration with the depraved murderer and refused to accept Japan�s pleas for surrender, until Stalin�s forces were in a position to claim their booty in the Pacific. Thus setting the stage for the first no win war in America�s history.

1950/1953: Korean War: Also involved Britain, France, Turkey, and others against North Korea and China. America responded to North Korean invasion of South Korea by going to its assistance, CONGRESSIONAL AUTHORIZATION WAS NOT SOUGHT. The Korean fiasco aroused American voters who were offered the Jew Dwight D. Eisenhower for President, a soldier who would surely win that ridiculous war.

Eisenhower did end the war, but not by winning which could easily have been done, by yielding to Communist terms and insults he provided the festering sore of a divided Korea; The beginning of �no win� engagements all over the world, which demonstrates to those who will stop and look, that THOSE PEOPLE WHO DEPEND UPON THE U.S. GOVERNMENT IN AN ALLIANCE, IS A KISS OF DEATH FOR THEIR FREEDOM, FOR OUR GOVERNMENT IS UNDER THE CONTROL OF THE ANTI-CHRIST CHILDREN OF SATAN.

�For the past thirty years my interest has been exercised in the study of Political, economics and History. It was about 1955, while living in Japan, that I discovered the fact that PRESIDENT HARRY S. TRUMAN DID NOT FIRE GENERAL MacArthur; nor could he.

�Even to this day such a statement sounds absurd to many. However, when we consider that General MacArthur was Commander in Chief of the United Nations Far Eastern Expeditionary Force, we must conclude that, AND IT IS INDEED A FACT THAT ONLY THE UNITED NATIONS COULD FIRE HIM.

�That saking took place during the so-called �Police Action� in Korea. At which time the First Secretary of the Under Secretary General for Political and Security Council Affairs was a General Kanstantine E. Zinchenko (U.S.S.R.). Who was the department head responsible for U.N. enforcement measures.

�Thus it was Zinchenko who discharged General MacArthur when he was found to be too patriotic, pro-American and intractable in following the intentions that would benefit a World Empire Administrative Body, and destructive to the best interests of America. Therefore, President Truman, replaced him, AFTER HIS FIRING BY THE U.N. with a more willing and yielding successor.�

Venerable Ghikshu Shuzen, Bs.D.

Mycharenge-kyo tendai-shu

1951: Tibet was enslaved by Communist China.

1951/1955: China: Naval units evacuated U.S. Civilians and military personnel from the Tachen Islands.

1953: East Berliners rise against Communist rule; is subsequently quelled by Russian tanks, thanks to our American leaders inaction, compliancy and co-operation.

1956: Encouraged and promised support by the U.S. Government, Heroic Hungarians and Poles struck for freedom from their Communist rulers. Then with U.S. State Department assurance that America would not intercede, Russian tanks were dispatched to crush the rebellion.

Then in 1978, the U.S. Government under the orders of then President Jimmy Carter, added insult to injury, and returned the Crown of St. Stephen; given to the American Government for safe keeping when the Communist came to power in Hungary; The Crown was and is Hungary�s symbol of sovereignty, to that hated Communist Government. This was directly against the wishes of the Hungarian People.

1956: Egypt: A Marine battalion evacuated U.S. nationals and other persons from Alexandria during the Suez crisis.`

1965/1966: Dominican Intervention

1956/1975: The Second Indochina War. The Vietnam War. The "advisory" phase of U.S. involvement goes from 1956 to 1964, and then resumes from 1973 to 1975. The years 1964 to 1973 refer to the period of "official" combat deployment of U.S. forces in the war.

The Vietnam conflict continued to be the touchstone for both the military and policy makers committed to avoiding future foreign military "quagmires." As the United States made the seemingly inexorable transition from being advisors to undertaking covert operations, bombing and deploying ground troops, the strategy of "incremental escalation" emerged as the military's b�te noire.

Military frustrations during the "war without fronts" were heightened by diplomatic and humanitarian constraints on operations in North Vietnam. Protest and resistance at home and abroad underlined the pitfalls of pursuing prolonged, costly and divisive wars alone. And the ultimate defeat of South Vietnam in 1975 strengthened the resolve of those who would avoid "unwinnable" limited wars in the future.

1958: Lebanon: Marines were landed in Lebanon at the invitation of its government to help protect against threatened insurrection supported from the outside.

1959: Cuba: With the connivance of the U.S. State Department and the American News Media; Fidel Castro overthrew the government of Cuba and installed a Communist dictatorship ninety miles form our Southern Coast.

1959/1960: The Caribbean: the 2nd Marine ground task force was deployed to protect U.S. nationals during the Cuban crisis.

1961: The United States Government trained and transported Cuban exiles for the recapture of their homeland. Who were then deliberately abandoned to Castro at the Bay of Pigs. This was just another of the psychological acts performed by our Jewish-owned traitorous leaders to install, in the American�s mind a feeling of helplessness against Communism.

1962: Cuba: President Kennedy instituted a so-called �quarantine� on the shipment of offensive missiles to Cuba from the Soviet Union. He also warned the Soviet Union that the launching of any missile from Cuba against any nation in the Western Hemisphere would bring about U.S. nuclear retaliation on the Soviet Union.

Thus, a negotiated settlement was achieved a few days later. Knowledge of the Russian missiles in Cuba, against pro-Communist Congressional and Governmental desires, became public knowledge, so President Kennedy was ordered to make a show of military force against Russia.

Then reassure the American public with photo displays of objects represented as missile crates allegedly being shipped back to Russia; and only recently have we learned the truth, �NOT ONLY WERE THE MISSILES LEFT IN CUBA, BUT SO WERE RUSSIAN TROOPS, AND THAT CUBA WAS BUILDING SUBMARINES FOR THE RUSSIANS.� (This just confirms Ezekiel 38 and 39; showing to those �who have ears� and �eyes� to hear and see the truth of the Scriptures).

1962: Thailand: The 3rd Marine Expeditionary Unit landed on May 17, to support that country during the threat of Communist pressure from outside.

1962/1975: Laos: After years of subsidizing an anti-Communist Laos, Kennedy abruptly ceased all aid. Landed troops which supposedly were to support the government, but were removed and aid restored �only after� the Troika Government was installed including one �Communist� and one so-called �neutral� who was favorable to the Communist.

1962: The Communist Bosch, with U.S. support, was elected president of the Dominican Republic.

1962: Algeria: Turned to the Communists.

1963: Dominican Republic: The military seized power from Juan Bosch, the United States immediately severed diplomatic relations.

1964: Congo: The U.S. sent four transport planes to provide an airlift for Congolese troops during a rebellion and to transport Belgian paratroopers to rescue foreigners.

1964/1973: War in Vietnam: U.S. military advisers had been in South Vietnam for a decade (over 10 years). They were first sent to Vietnam by then President Eisenhower, and their numbers were increased as military positions of the Saigon Government became weaker.

After the attacks on U.S. destroyers in the Tonkin Gulf (which we have since learned was a fake, perpetrated by Washington to get America more deeply into the war), President Johnson asked for a resolution expressing U.S. determination to support freedom and protect peace in Southeast Asia. Congress responded with the Tonkin Gulf Resolution, expressing support for �all necessary measures� the President might take to repeal armed attack against U.S. forces and prevent further aggression.

Following this resolution, and following a Communist attack on a U.S. installation in Central Vietnam, the U.S. escalated its participation in the war.

1965: From his sanctuary in the U.S. Juan Bosch directed a Communist rebellion. Then when it was clear that the rebellion would fail PRESIDENT JOHNSON DISPATCHED AMERICAN MARINES (This was don, almost unknown to the people of America, because of the Vietnam War). After a transparent show of fighting the Communists, Johnson threatened to use those same Marines against the ruling anti-Communist Junta, unless it would negotiate with the Communists.

Finely the Junta unable to resist the power of the Zionist Controlled American Government, surrendered power to a coalition government. WHICH OF COURSE, INCLUDED COMMUNIST REPRESENTATION: then and only then did Johnson restore diplomatic relations.

1967: Tanzania: Enslaved by the Communists.

1967: Congo: The U.S. sent three military transport aircraft with crews to provide the Congo Central Government (which has proven over the years to be Communistic) with logistical support during a revolt.

1967: Israeli aircraft and patrol boats strafed and torpedoed the U.S.S. Liberty in International Waters. It was obvious that it was a deliberate attempt to destroy and sink the Liberty, and if they had been successful, they would no doubt have blamed the Syrians or some other Arab Nation. Thirty-four Americans died, seventy-five wounded and the United States Government did nothing.

1968: North Korea seized the U.S.S. Pueblo, because Washington ordered our fleet commander not to interfere (after all the Jewish/master in America had to see to it that their brother Jews in Russia had access to the latest in electronic equipment). Another slap in the face of our military.

1968: The Congo Republic and Syria turned to Communist Russia and away from the United States, thus were brought under Communist influence.

1969: South Yemen and Libya fell under Communist influence.

1970: Somalia brought under Communist control.

1970/1975: The Cambodian Civil War.

1971: Guinea brought under Communist control.

1971: Through the support of the U.S., the President, with the complacency of Congress; Communist China was admitted to the United Nations and Free China, one of our most staunch allies, was expelled.

1972: While Americans were dying in Vietnam, President Nixon paid a �Friendly� visit to Communist China. Which constituted �Treason� as defined in the U.S. Constitution.

Elected in 1968, Richard Nixon continued the Johnson strategy of restrictions and frustrations to our military (IT�S ALRIGHT TO KILL A COMMUNIST ONLY AFTER HE HAS KILLED SOME AMERICAN SOLDIERS, IN SOME OTHER PART OF THE WORLD; BUT HERE INSIDE THE UNITED STATES, DUE TO THE RULINGS FROM ANTI-AMERICAN FEDERAL JUDGES, WE MUST NOT ONLY CODDLE THESE TRAITORS BUT WE MUST HIRE THEM IN THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT, AND IN OUR SCHOOLS, THANKS TO THE JEWISH COMMUNIST PROSTITUTES IN OUR FEDERAL COURTS), and by confining the bulk of the fighting to South Vietnam, this insured that maximum damage would be inflicted on our ally; while at the same time our military leaders were restricted from attacking certain strategic targets in North Vietnam which would have forced the enemy to surrender.

Further our soldiers, were not allowed to fire upon the enemy unless first being fired upon, THUS INSURING THE MAXIMUM CASUALTIES ON OUR AMERICAN MILITARY MEN.

Then Henry Kissinger another Traitorous Jew started the long �negotiation� process with the North Vietnam and Red Cina, while our sons, brothers and dads died in Vietnam jungles (KILLED WITH WEAPONS BOUGHT AND PAID FOR BY OUR INCOME TAX MONEY). Kissinger leisurely wined and dined with his Communist friends, while President Nixon �wound down� the war by surrendering billions in our most sophisticated war equipment.

1972: Iraq came under Communist influence.

1973: Afghanistan, Zambia and Equatorial Guinea were brought under virtual Communist control

1973: The U.S. abandoned Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos to the Communist for slaughter. Millions were massacred, with not one single peep from those responsible for this, the Jane Fondas�, tom Haydens and other Traitors who were/are directly responsible for this mass murder of millions, by the Communists after they took control.

1974: Evacuation from Cyprus, U.S. naval forces evacuated U.S. civilians during hostilities between Turkish and Greek Cypriot forces.

1975: While Guinea-Bissau, Cambodia, Laos and South Vietnam were being enslaved, President Ford, flanked by the Jew Henry Kissenger, signed the Helsinki Accord agreeing to permanent Communist enslavement of all Eastern Europe.

1977: President Carter signed the Panama Canal give-away treaty.

1978: Nicaragua: With the help of the U.S. State Department fell to the Communist.

1978: In total disregard of the overwhelming citizen objections, more than two-thirds of our Senators, whose oaths of office promise loyalty to the United States of America and obedience to the provisions of our Constitution sanctioned the unconstitutional disposition of sovereign American territory, well knowing that their deed provided a tremendous boast to the Communist aim of encircling and isolating our nation, setting the stage for conquest of our Latin neighbors.

1979: The House of Representatives bowed to the dictates of the Consortium of World Jewish Bankers and Communists by approving the funding of the Panama Canal give-away, actually agreeing to pay Panama�s Marxist rulers to accept our gift. That gift, by the way, was used to pay off the International Jewish Bankers whose loans to Panama financed the installation and maintenance of their Communist Regime.

Y 1979/1980: Iranian Hostage Crisis

April 1980 Iran Hostage Rescue Attempt Sandstorms and equipment malfunctions caused the cancellation of the surprise attempt to rescue over sixty American hostages held by revolutionary students at the U.S. embassy in Tehran. Failure turned deadly when eight Americans were killed after a helicopter and a transport plane collided at a remote desert staging area. The disaster reflected military disarray and lack of preparedness and, after Ronald Reagan took office, helped launch the largest peacetime defense build‑up in the nation's history.

Y 1982/1984: Lebanese Intervention

Twice during the early 1980s the United States deployed troops to Lebanon to deal with the fall‑out from the Israeli invasion. In the first deployment, U.S. marines helped oversee the withdrawal of the PLO from Beirut. In the second deployment, 1,800 marines were sent as part of a multinational force after Israel's Lebanese allies massacred civilians in the Palestinian refugee camps. Given a vague mandate to restore order, support the weak Lebanese government, and work for the withdrawal of all foreign forces, the troops slowly became entangled in the Lebanese civil war.

On October 23, 1983, a truck bomb exploded at the vulnerable marine headquarters, killing 241 marines ‑‑ the largest loss of life in a military operation since Vietnam. For the military, Beirut becomes a symbol of ill‑considered political objectives and poorly‑defined rules of engagement.

Y 1983: Grenada Invasion

October 1983 Invasion of Grenada (Operation Urgent Fury) Within days of the Beirut disaster, President Reagan ordered the invasion of Grenada, following the overthrow of Marxist President Maurice Bishop. Planners sought to protect 600 American students on the Caribbean island, and head off the possibility of another hostage scenario only two years after the freeing of the Iran hostages. In addition, the Reagan administration sought to use the invasion to eliminate Cuban and Soviet influence in Grenada. U.S. forces faced greater than expected resistance and took significant casualties. Though later cited as a model for similar actions, the operation also pointed up serious problems, including inadequate intelligence, poor communications, and inter‑service rivalries.

Y1986 Raid on Tripoli, Libya

Following a bomb attack on a West Berlin discotheque frequented by American servicemen, the Reagan administration launched a punitive raid on Libya, the suspected sponsor of the bombing. Planes from aircraft carriers and Britain targeted sites allegedly associated with the training and support of terrorist activities. The raid was also part of a larger struggle with Libya throughout the 1980s over its support for international terrorism and its claims over the Gulf of Sidra. Though its long‑term utility was debated, the attack was evidence of the Reagan administration's increasing willingness to use military force in pursuit of certain discrete, limited goals ‑‑ despite the Weinberger doctrine.

Y 1987/1988: "Tanker War" The U.S. provided naval protection for Kuwaiti oil tankers in the Persian Gulf. This led to multiple clashes with the Iranian military.

Y 1980/1988: First Persian Gulf War The U.S. gave logistical and intelligence information to Iraq in its war against Iran.

Y 1989: Panama Invasion

December 1989 Invasion of Panama and Arrest of Manuel Noriega Involving over 27,000 U.S. troops, the Panama invasion was, up to that time, the largest American military operation since the Vietnam War. Dubbed "Operation Just Cause," the intervention's stated goals were the protection of the Panama Canal and the lives of 35,000 Americans in Panama, as well as the promotion of democracy and an end to drug trafficking. The powerful surprise attack quickly overwhelmed the Panamanian defense forces and resulted in the capture of its leader, Manuel Noriega.

Actually this was really to protect the Israeli�s drug operations from competition.

Y 1990-1991 Persian Gulf War I

To force Iraq out of Kuwait, George Bush formed a large and diverse inter-national coalition and deployed over a half‑million U.S. personnel to the Persian Gulf region as part of an allied force. The success of Operation Desert Storm set a new high‑water mark for the military and underscored the principle of committing overwhelming force to clear and achievable objectives. Both allied and popular support was largely maintained throughout the campaign. In this way, the Gulf War appears to validate the military doctrine espoused by Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Colin Powell.

Y 1991: Second Persian Gulf War

Y 1991/Present: Conflict with Iraq

Y 1992/1993: Somalia Intervention

Toward the end of the Bush administration, the United States sent approximately 25,000 troops to Somalia to assist the United Nations with the distribution of famine relief supplies. By the time Bill Clinton took office in 1993, U.S. troop levels had been vastly reduced, largely replaced with forces operating under the UN flag. However as UN clashes with local "warlords" increased, American troops became engaged in policing and wider peacekeeping operations.

After 18 U.S. Rangers were killed in a firefight in Mogadishu on October 3, 1993, the United States briefly reinforced its troops but retreated from the more ambitious "nation‑building" agenda previously outlined by Secretary of Defense Les Aspin. Criticized for having made decisions that may have contributed to the disaster, Aspin resigned two months later.

Y 1994/Present??: Occupation of Haiti

September 19, 1994 Invasion of Haiti After negotiations and sanctions failed, Clinton sent U.S. troops to Haiti to restore ousted President Jean‑Bertrand Aristide to power and to head off a potential wave of Haitian refugees. A last‑minute deal, brokered by former President Jimmy Carter, allowed the troops to go ashore unopposed by the Haitian military and police.

Most U.S. troops withdrew within a year, though several hundred remained to pursue a wide agenda of peacekeeping, humanitarian and engineering activities. While Clinton administration officials consistently hailed the intervention as a model effort to restore democracy and promote stability abroad, political, economic and social conditions gradually eroded. In March 1999, the U.S. commander responsible for the remaining military personnel reportedly recommended ending the five‑year military presence on the island due to continuing instability.

This, also, was another invasion to protect the Jews drug operations from opposition.

Y 1995: Bosnian War: The U.S. and NATO engaged in air strikes to force the Bosnian Serb forces to negotiate a peace agreement. Also known as Operation Deliberate Force. U.S. air power contributed 65.9% of the NATO air sorties.

Following the deadly bombing of a Sarajevo marketplace, NATO forces launched the largest military action in the alliance's history. Two weeks of NATO air strikes, combined with a strong Croat‑Muslim offensive on the ground, pushed Bosnian Serbs to the negotiating table. In November, all the warring parties met in Dayton, Ohio and agreed to a peace settlement. The air strikes, painstakingly approved after years of negotiations with allies and the military, appear to support the position that limited military attacks can be useful diplomatic tools.

Y 1998: bin Laden's War Terrorist conflict between the United States and irregular forces led by Osama bin Laden. The violence has also involved Kenya, Tanzania, Sudan and Afghanistan.

Y 1999: Kosovo War

April 1999 Operation Allied Force Citing Serb atrocities and ethnic cleansing in Kosovo, the U.S. and NATO unleashed air attacks on Serbia after the failure of the "mini‑Dayton" peace talks held in Rambouillet, France. President Clinton outlines no "exit strategies" and warns that air strikes will continue as long as necessary. From the start, the Clinton administration ruled out sending U.S. ground troops to the Balkans, though debate over the utility of air power alone repeatedly revives the issue. Vast floods of refugees spill into neighboring countries, threatening to enlarge the crisis and sparking criticism of the lack of contingency planning by NATO.

Y 2001/Present: The War in Afghanistan

Y 2003: America invades Iraq again in a never ending effort to destroy the Arabs for the Jews.

�������������������� A Condensation of The Wars

����������������� And Military Actions of America

����������� Until the Present Day October 1, 2003

There can be no doubt that the mother of all terrorists has been, since its foundation, is the United States of America. The public is constantly bombarded with the rhetoric that America is the Home of the Brave and the Land of the Free.

The Home of the Brave there is no doubt, but the home of the free is an illusion; it never has been the home of the free since its inception. Our people have always been under the heel of dictators called Presidents, with few exceptions.

For those of you who want facts and figures and have the intellect to judge 'good' from 'evil' and the courage to know and say out the truth....for the rest, don't bother reading any further! Ever since the United States Army massacred 300 Lakotas in 1890, American forces have intervened elsewhere around the globe 100 times. Indeed the United States has sent troops abroad or militarily struck other countries' territory 216 times since independence from Britain. Since 1945 the United States has intervened in more than 20 countries throughout the world.

Some of these are not listed above because they were too small to mention; and some are mentioned a second time because they were important enough to warrant it.

Since World War II, the United States actually dropped bombs on 23 countries. These include:

China 1945‑46,

Korea 1950‑53,

China 1950‑53,

Guatemala 1954,

Indonesia 1958,

Cuba 1959‑60,

Guatemala 1960,

Congo 1964,

Peru 1965,

Laos 1964‑73,

Vietnam 1961‑73,

Cambodia 1969‑70,

Guatemala 1967‑69,

Grenada 1983,

Lebanon 1984,

Libya 1986,

El Salvador 1980s,

Nicaragua 1980s,

Panama 1989,

Iraq 1991‑1999,

Sudan 1998,

Afghanistan 1998, and

Yugoslavia 1999.

Post World War II, the United States has also assisted in over 20 different coups throughout the world, and the CIA was responsible for half a dozen assassinations of political heads of state. The following is a comprehensive summary of the imperialist strategy of the United States over the span of the past century:

Argentina ‑ 1890 ‑ Troops sent to Buenos Aires to protect business interests. Jewish business interests that is.

Chile ‑ 1891 ‑ Marines sent to Chile and clashed with nationalist rebels.

Haiti ‑ 1891 ‑ American troops suppress a revolt by Black workers on United States‑claimed Navassa Island.

Hawaii ‑ 1893 ‑ Navy sent to Hawaii to overthrow the independent kingdom ‑ Hawaii annexed by the United States.

Nicaragua ‑ 1894 ‑ Troops occupied Bluefield's, a city on the Caribbean Sea,� for a month.

China ‑ 1894‑95 ‑ Navy, Army, and Marines landed during the Sino‑Japanese War.

Korea ‑ 1894‑96 ‑ Troops kept in Seoul during the war.

Panama ‑ 1895 ‑ Army, Navy, and Marines landed in the port city of Corinto.

China ‑ 1894‑1900 ‑ Troops occupied China during the Boxer Rebellion.

Philippines ‑ 1898‑1910 ‑ Navy and Army troops landed after the Philippines fell during the Spanish‑American War; 600,000 Filipinos were killed.

Cuba ‑ 1898‑1902 ‑ Troops seized Cuba in the Spanish‑American War; the United States still maintains troops at Guantanamo Bay today.

Puerto Rico ‑ 1898 ‑ present ‑ Troops seized Puerto Rico in the

Spanish‑American War and still occupy Puerto Rico today.

Nicaragua ‑ 1898 ‑ Marines landed at the port of San Juan del Sur.

Samoa ‑ 1899 ‑ Troops landed as a result over the battle for succession to the throne.

Panama ‑ 1901‑14 ‑ Navy supported the revolution when Panama claimed independence from Colombia. American troops have occupied the Canal Zone since 1901 when construction for the canal began.

Honduras ‑ 1903 ‑ Marines landed to intervene during a revolution.

Dominican Rep 1903‑04 ‑ Troops landed to protect American interests during a revolution.

Korea ‑ 1904‑05 ‑ Marines landed during the Russo‑Japanese War.

Cuba ‑ 1906‑09 ‑ Troops landed during an election.

Nicaragua ‑ 1907 ‑ Troops landed and a protectorate was set up.

Honduras ‑ 1907 ‑ Marines landed during Honduras' war with Nicaragua.

Panama ‑ 1908 ‑ Marines sent in during Panama's election.

Nicaragua ‑ 1910 ‑ Marines landed for a second time in Bluefields and Corinto.

Honduras ‑ 1911 ‑ Troops sent in to protect American interests during Honduras' civil war.

China ‑ 1911‑41 ‑ Navy and troops sent to China during continuous flare‑ups.

Cuba ‑ 1912 ‑ Troops sent in to protect American interests in Havana.

Panama ‑ 1912 ‑ Marines landed during Panama's election.

Honduras ‑ 1912 ‑ Troops sent in to protect American interests.

Nicaragua ‑ 1912‑33 ‑ Troops occupied Nicaragua and fought guerrillas during its 20‑year civil war.

Mexico ‑ 1913 ‑ Navy evacuated Americans during revolution.

Dominican Rep 1914 ‑ Navy fought with rebels over Santo Domingo.

Mexico ‑ 1914‑18 ‑ Navy and troops sent in to intervene against nationalists.

Haiti ‑ 1914‑34 ‑ Troops occupied Haiti after a revolution and occupied Haiti for 19 years.

Dominican Rep 1916‑24 ‑ Marines occupied the Dominican Republic for eight years.

Cuba ‑ 1917‑33 ‑ Troops landed and occupied Cuba for 16 years; Cuba became an economic protectorate.

World War I ‑ 1917‑18 ‑ Navy and Army sent to Europe to fight the Axis powers.

Russia ‑ 1918‑22 ‑ Navy and troops sent to eastern Russia after the Bolshevik Revolution; Army made five landings.

Honduras ‑ 1919 ‑ Marines sent during Honduras' national elections.

Guatemala ‑ 1920 ‑ Troops occupied Guatemala for two weeks during a union strike.

Turkey ‑ 1922 ‑ Troops fought nationalists in Smyrna.

China ‑ 1922‑27 ‑ Navy and Army troops deployed during a nationalist revolt.

Honduras ‑ 1924‑25 ‑ Troops landed twice during a national election.

Panama ‑ 1925 ‑ Troops sent in to put down a general strike.

China ‑ 1927‑34 ‑ Marines sent in and stationed for seven years throughout


El Salvador ‑ 1932 ‑ Naval warships deployed during the FMLN revolt under Marti.

World War II ‑ 1941‑45 ‑ Military fought the Axis powers: Japan, Germany, and Italy.

Yugoslavia ‑ 1946 ‑ Navy deployed off the coast of Yugoslavia in response to the downing of an American plane.

Uruguay ‑ 1947 ‑ Bombers deployed as a show of military force.

Greece ‑ 1947‑49 ‑ United States operations insured a victory for the far right in national "elections."

Germany ‑ 1948 ‑ Military deployed in response to the Berlin blockade; the Berlin airlift lasts 444 days.

Philippines ‑ 1948‑54 ‑ The CIA directed a civil war against the Filipino Huk revolt.

Puerto Rico ‑ 1950 ‑ Military helped crush an independence rebellion in Ponce.

�Korean War ‑ 1951‑53 ‑ Military sent in during the war.

Iran ‑ 1953 ‑ The CIA orchestrated the overthrow of democratically elected Mossadegh and restored the Shah to power.

Vietnam ‑ 1954 ‑ The United States offered weapons to the French in the battle against Ho Chi Minh and the Viet Minh.

Guatemala ‑ 1954 ‑ The CIA overthrew the democratically elected Arbenz and placed Colonel Armas in power.

Egypt ‑ 1956 ‑ Marines deployed to evacuate foreigners after Nasser nationalized the Suez Canal.

Lebanon ‑ 1958 ‑ Navy supported an Army occupation of Lebanon during its civil war.

Panama ‑ 1958 ‑ Troops landed after Panamanians demonstrations threatened the Canal Zone.

Vietnam ‑ 1950s‑75 ‑ Vietnam War.

Cuba ‑ 1961 ‑ The CIA‑directed Bay of Pigs invasions failed to overthrow the Castro government.

Cuba ‑ 1962 ‑ The Navy quarantines Cuba during the Cuban Missile Crisis.

Laos ‑ 1962 ‑ Military occupied Laos during its civil war against the Pathet Lao guerrillas.

Panama ‑ 1964 ‑ Troops sent in and Panamanians shot while protesting the United States presence in the Canal Zone.

Indonesia ‑ 1965 ‑ The CIA orchestrated a military coup.

Dominican Rep ‑ 1965‑66 ‑ Troops deployed during a national election.

Guatemala ‑ 1966‑67 ‑ Green Berets sent in.

Cambodia ‑ 1969‑75 ‑ Military sent in after the Vietnam War expanded into Cambodia.

Oman ‑ 1970 ‑ Marines landed to direct a possible invasion into Iran.

Laos ‑ 1971‑75 ‑ Americans carpet‑bomb the countryside during Laos' civil war.

Chile ‑ 1973 ‑ The CIA orchestrated a coup, killing President Allende who had been popularly elected. The CIA helped to establish a military regime under General Pinochet.

Cambodia ‑ 1975 ‑ Twenty‑eight Americans killed in an effort to retrieve the crew of the ayaquez, which had been seized.

Angola ‑ 1976‑92 ‑ The CIA backed South African rebels fighting against Marxist Angola.

Iran ‑ 1980 ‑ Americans aborted a rescue attempt to liberate 52 hostages seized in the Teheran embassy.

Libya ‑ 1981 ‑ American fighters shoot down two Libyan fighters.

El Salvador ‑ 1981‑92 ‑ The CIA, troops, and advisers aid in El Salvador's war against the FMLN.

Nicaragua ‑ 1981‑90 ‑ The CIA and NSC directed the Contra War against the Sandinistas.

Lebanon ‑ 1982‑84 ‑ Marines occupied Beirut during Lebanon's civil war; 241 were killed in the American barracks and Reagan "redeployed" the troops to the Mediterranean.

Honduras ‑ 1983‑89 ‑ Troops sent in to build bases near the Honduran border.

Grenada ‑ 1983‑84 ‑ American invasion overthrew the Maurice Bishop government.

Iran ‑ 1984 ‑ American fighters shot down two Iranian planes over the Persian Gulf.

Libya ‑ 1986 ‑ American fighters hit targets in and around the capital city of Tripoli.

Bolivia ‑ 1986 ‑ The Army assisted government troops on raids of cocaine areas.

Iran ‑ 1987‑88 ‑ The United States intervened on the side of Iraq during the Iran‑Iraq War.

Libya ‑ 1989 ‑ Navy shot down two more Libyan jets.

Virgin Islands ‑ 1989 ‑ Troops landed during unrest among Virgin Island peoples.

Philippines ‑ 1989 ‑ Air Force provided air cover for government during coup.

Panama ‑ 1989‑90 ‑ 27,000 Americans landed in overthrow of President

Noriega; over 2,000 Panama civilians were killed.

Liberia ‑ 1990 ‑ Troops entered Liberia to evacuate foreigners during civil war.

Saudi Arabia ‑ 1990‑91 ‑ American troops sent to Saudi Arabia, which was a staging area in the war against Iraq.

Kuwait ‑ 1991 ‑ Troops sent into Kuwait to turn back Saddam Hussein.

Somalia ‑ 1992‑94 ‑ Troops occupied Somalia during civil war.

Bosnia ‑ 1993‑95 ‑ Air Force jets bombed "no‑fly zone" during civil war in Yugoslavia.

Haiti ‑ 1994‑96 ‑ American troops and Navy provided a blockade against Haiti's military government. The CIA restored Aristide to power.

Zaire ‑ 1996‑97 ‑ Marines sent into Rwanda Hutus' refugee camps in the area where the Congo revolution began.

Albania ‑ 1997 ‑ Troops deployed during evacuation of foreigners.

Sudan ‑ 1998 ‑ American missiles destroyed a pharmaceutical complex where alleged nerve gas components were manufactured.

Afghanistan ‑ 1998 ‑ Missiles launched towards alleged Afghan terrorist training camps.

� Yugoslavia ‑ 1999 ‑ Bombings and missile attacks carried out by the United States in conjunction with NATO in the 11 week war against Milosevic.

Iraq ‑ 1998‑2001 ‑ Missiles launched into Baghdad and other large Iraq cities for four days. American jets enforced "no‑fly zone" and continued to hit Iraqi targets since December 1998.

�These **100** instances of American military intervention did not include

� times when the United States:

(1) deployed military police overseas;

(2) mobilized the National Guard;

(3) sent Navy ships off the coast of numerous countries as a show of strength;

(4) sent additional troops to areas where Americans were already stationed;

(5) carried out covert actions where American forces were not under the direct rule of an American command;

(6) used small hostage rescue units;

(7) used American pilots to fly foreign planes;

(8) carried out military training and advisory programs which did not involve

direct combat.

U. S. Government Assassination Plots

Following is a list of prominent foreign leaders whose assassination (or planning for same) the United States has been involved in since the end of Second World War. The list does not include several assassinations in various parts of the world carried out by anti‑Castro Cubans employed by CIA and headquartered in the United States:

List A: Non‑Muslims

1949 ‑ Kim Koo, Korean opposition leader

1950's ‑ CIA/Neo‑Nazi hit list of numerous political figures in West Germany

1955 ‑ Jose' Antonio Remon, President of Panama

1950's Chou Enlai, Prime Minister of China, several attempts on his life

1951 ‑ Kim Il Sung, Premiere of North Korea

1950s (mid) ‑ Claro M. Recto, Philippines opposition leader

1955 ‑ Jawhar Lal Nehru, Prime Minister of India

1959 and 1963 ‑ Norodom Sihanouk, leader of Cambodia

1950s‑70s ‑ Jose Figueres, President of Costa Rica, two attempts on his life

1961 ‑ Francois "Papa Doc"Duvalier, leader of Haiti

1961 ‑ Patrice Lumumba , Prime Minister of Congo (Zaire)

1961 ‑ Gen. Rafael Trujillo, leader of Dominican Republic

1963 ‑ Ngo Dinh Diem, President of South Vietnam

1960s ‑ Fidel Castro, President of Cuba, more than 15 attempts on his life

1960s ‑ Raul Castro, high official in government of Cuba

1965 ‑ Francisco Caamanao, Dominican Republic opposition leader

1965 ‑ Pierre Ngendandumwe, Prime Minister of Burundi

1965‑6 ‑ Charles de Gaulle, President of France

1967 ‑ Che Guevara, Cuban leader

1970 ‑ Salvadore Allende, President of Chile

1970 ‑ General Rene Schneider, Commander‑in‑Chief of Army, Chile

1970s and 1981 ‑ Gen. Omar Torrijos, leader of Panama

1972 ‑ General Manuel Noriega, Chief of Panama Intelligence

1975 ‑ Mobutu Sese Seko, President of Zaire

1976 ‑ Michael Manley, Prime Minister of Jamaica

1983 ‑ Miguel d'Escoto, Foreign Minister of Nicaragua

1984 ‑ The nine commandants of the Sandinista National Directorate

1980's ‑ Dr. Gerald Bull, Canadian Ballistics Scientist assassinated by Mossad in Belgium.

Partial List of Muslim Leaders Assassinated or Attempted Assassinations

1950's Sukarno, President of Indonesia

1957 Gamal Abdul Nasser, President of Egypt

1960 Brigadier General, Abdul Karim Kassem, Leader of Iraq

1980‑86 Muammar Qaddafi, Leader of Libya, several plots and attempts upon

his life

1982 Ayatullah Khomeini, Leader of Iran

1983 General Ahmed Dlimi, Moroccan army Commander

1985 Sheikh Mohammed Hussein Fadllallah, Lebanese Shiite Leader (80

people killed in that attempt)

1991 Saddam Hussein, Leader of Iraq

Reference: Blum, William, "KILLING HOPE ‑ U.S. Military and CIA Interventions Since World War II," Appendix III U.S. Government Assassination Plots, page 453, Common Courage Press, Monroe, Maine 1995. ISBN 1‑56751‑052‑3

Very likely Victims :

April 4, 1979 ‑ Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto, Leader of Pakistan, for pursuing making of Nuclear Bomb.

August, 1988. General Ziaul Haq, Military Leader of Pakistan.

1995 ‑ Murtaza Bhutto, Son of Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto, Anti‑American would‑be

Leader ‑ Pakistan.

March 25, 1975 ‑ King Faisal of Saudi Arabia through his Nephew, Saudi Arabia for imposing 1973 Oil Embargo.

August 24, 1999. Mullah Mohammad Omar, in Kandhar, Afghanistan.

A List of Known Assassination Plots

1950's Sukarno, President of Indonesia

1957 Gamal Abdul Nasser, President

2001 Since early this year more than 40 Palestinian leaders assassinated

through surrogate Israel.

Reference Materials